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Senate Meeting - April 20, 2023

The University Senate will convene at 3:30 PM, Thursday April 20, 2023 in person in Saxbe Auditorium, Drinko Hall. If anyone requires ADA accommodations please reach out to Megan Ferguson in the Senate office at The Steering Committee estimates the meeting will take approximately 90 minutes.


  1. Proposal to Approve Secretary's Report #404
    1. Secretary's Report #404
  2. Update from the Office of the President
    1. Kristina Johnson, President of The Ohio State University
  3. Proposals from the Council on Academic Affairs
    1. Rebecca Andridge, Chair, Council on Academic Affairs
    2. Proposal to change the name of the Master of Dental Hygiene degree program to Master of Science in Dental Hygiene
      1. Proposal    Resolution
    3. Proposal from the College of Nursing to establish a Master of Health and Wellness degree program
      1. Proposal    Resolution
  4. Proposal from the Rules Committee
    1. Sara Watson, Chair, Rules Committee
    2. Proposal to Change Rule 3335-5-48.7 - Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM)
      1. Proposal    Resolution
  5. Update on Ohio Senate Bill 83
    1. Faculty Council Resolution
    2. Council of Graduate Students Resolution
    3. Undergraduate Student Government Resolution
  6. End of Year Comments from Constituent Leaders
    1. Anthony Long ll, President, Inter-Professional Council (IPC)
    2. Jorge Clavo Abbass, President, Council of Graduate Students (CGS)
    3. Andrew Pierce ll, President, Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
    4. Deborah Pond, Chair Elect, University Staff Advisory Council (USAC)
    5. Caroline Clark, Chair, Faculty Council
  7. Resolution of Appreciation
    1. Resolution
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Announcements
  11. Adjournment