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About Faculty Council

Introduction to Faculty Council

For new senators and guests to Faculty Council the information below serves as a brief introduction to the Faculty Council. Contact with any questions not answered here.

Procedures for Faculty Council Discussions

According to Faculty Council bylaws, all faculty and other invited guests are welcome to attend, while floor privileges are restricted to senators and alternates. Faculty leadership encourages guests to join meeting and, when time allows, to participate in discussions as outlined below.

  1. Senators and alternates, please add your affiliation to your name on zoom for the purposes of the meeting (how-to). Per Faculty Council Bylaws, “alternates have all floor privileges except the vote.” 
  1. Question queue is established by raised hand “reaction” in Zoom. 
  1. Sitting senators and alternates have priority in terms of the queue, with each senator who wishes to ask a question being entitled to one question.  
  1. If time remains, and no questions remain from senators who have not yet spoken, non-senators will be invited to ask questions, following the order established by the queue. 
  1. No second questions will be heard until all who wish to speak, including guests, have had an opportunity. 
  1. All questions and comments will be limited to two minutes. Requests for a brief follow-up clarification are at the discretion of the moderator.  
  1. Zoom chat will be open, but questions will be taken from the floor before any questions from the chat will be brought to the floor.  Chat questions/comments not addressed in the meeting will be shared with guest presenters, requesting a response. 


What is the Faculty Council? 

The Council is made up of the 71 faculty senators serving in the University Senate.  These faculty senators represent every college and campus in the university. The secretary and recording secretary of the Senate sit in meetings as non-voting members. 

When does Faculty Council meet?

Faculty Council meets on Thursdays once a month (except December and May) during the academic calendar, in the same time block reserved for Senate meetings: 3:30-5. Faculty Council meetings will always take place before the Senate meeting for the month to allow faculty senators to comment on items coming for a vote in the Senate.

Since 2020, Faculty Council meetings have been held entirely on Zoom. For guests wishing to attend, contact for a link.

What happens at a Faculty Council meeting? 

The Council meets monthly to discuss issues coming to the floor at the next Senate meeting, to engage with invited speakers, and to discuss and debate issues of shared interest and concern to faculty.  In addition, several of the standing committees of the university senate report annually to Faculty Council, including the Committee on Honorary Degrees, the Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility, Hearing Committee, Sanctioning Committee, Faculty Benefits & Compensation Committee, Fiscal Committee, and the Council on Academic Affairs. 

Does Faculty Council follow Robert’s Rules of Order? 

Faculty Council has very few items in its regular meetings that require a vote. For that reason, it is not a deliberative assembly governed by parliamentary procedure, except when it is considering an item for a vote by faculty senators. There are rare occasions where Faculty Council does function as a voting body, such as when considering revisions to its bylaws or proposals for Faculty Council resolutions. In those cases, the rules governing Senate debate and voting procedures will be employed along with Robert’s Rules. A useful “cheat sheet” to Robert’s Rules can be found here. Robert’s Rules are on occasion superseded by the Senate’s own by-laws, as found in section 3335-19 of the Ohio Administrative Code. In Senate meetings, we have the Parliamentarian on hand when the need for interpretation or clarification arises. The Senate Parliamentarian does not sit on Faculty Council, but they will be consulted ahead of time in those instances when a voting matter is to be brought before the body. 

Are Faculty Council meetings open to non-senators? 

Unlike University Senate meetings, which are clearly defined as open to all by the senate bylaws, Faculty Council bylaws are ambiguous on the matter. Nonetheless, it has been the practice of the Council to remain open to guest attendees. Senators and alternates have floor privileges, and guests will be invited to share questions or comments as time allows after senators and alternates have had an opportunity to ask a question. 

Who sets the agenda of Faculty Council? 

The agenda is set by the Chair of Faculty Council, in consultation with the Chair of Steering Committee and the Incoming Chair of Faculty Council. Input also comes from a range of other sources, including Senate Cabinet and the Steering Committee. All faculty can bring issues for possible inclusion by sending them to the senate office at 

Who provides support to the Faculty Council? 

The Faculty Council is supported by the Senate Office, consisting of the Secretary and Recording Secretary of the Senate. They can be reached at