The Faculty Council will convene at 3:30 PM, February 6, 2025 via Zoom.
- Welcome and Call to Order (3:30-3:35)
- Sara Watson, Faculty Council Chair
- Welcome to our new Provost, Dr. Ravi Bellamkonda (3:35-4:10 pm)
- Remarks from Provost Bellamkonda
- Q&A from the floor
- Upcoming Items from the Rules Committee (4:10-4:30 pm)
- Susan Gershman, chair of Rules
- CTP Faculty Senate Rights
- Disruption Rule Alignment
- 3335-11 Disruption Whereas Statement
- 3335-11 Disruption Rule change: redlined | clean
- background materials: Report on Origins and Purpose of 1971 Disruption Rules Language (Sara Watson)
- CSA Documents:
- Susan Gershman, chair of Rules
- Report out from Senate Fiscal Committee (4:30-4:50 pm)
- Justin Kieffer, chair of Senate Fiscal Committee
- Faculty New Business and Open Items from the Floor (4:50-5:00)