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Senate Meeting - September 22, 2022

The University Senate will convene at 3:30 PM, Thursday September 22, 2022 in person in the Saxbe Auditorium, Drinko Hall. The Steering Committee estimates the meeting will take approximately 60 minutes.


  1. Proposal to Approve Secretary's Report #398
    1. Secretary's Report #398
  2. Updates from the Office of the President
    1. Kristina Johnson, University President
  3. Proposal from the Council on Academic Affairs
    1. Rebecca Andridge, Chair, Council on Academic Affairs
    2. Proposal to Develop a Department of Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics
    3. Proposal    Resolution
  4. Office of Academic Affairs Priorities and Academic Plan
    1. Melissa Gilliam, Executive Vice President and Provost
  5. Old Business
  6. New Business
  7. Announcements
  8. Adjournment