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Senate Meeting - September 17, 2020

The University Senate will convene at 3:30 PM, Thursday September 17, 2020 remotely via CarmenZoom. The Steering Committee estimates the meeting will take approximately 90 minutes. For those that would like attend but not vote nor speak please email Megan Ferguson, Recording Secretary for the University Senate, at to request the Zoom link.


  1. Proposal to Approve Secretary's Report #380, #381, #382, #383
    1. #380    #381    #382    #383
  2. Anti-Racism Imperative Series
    1. Seizing the Moment: Teaching and Talking about Race and Racism Today
    2. Hasan Jeffries, Associate Professor of History
  3. Financial Picture for Academic Year 2020-2021
    1. Kris DeVine, Vice President of Operations and Deputy Chief Financial Officer
  4. Proposals from the Council on Academic Affairs
    1. Proposal to Change the Name of the Master of Education and Extension Education
      1. Proposal    Resolution
    2. Proposal to Add a Clinical/Teaching/Practice faculty track to the College of Arts and Sciences
      1. Proposal    Resolution
  5. Resolutions to Suspend portions of Rule 3335-8-21 and 3335-8-32
    1. Russell Marzette, Chair of the Council on Enrollment and Student Progress
    2. Temporary Amendment of PA/NP and Withdrawals - Deadlines
      1. Resolution
    3. Temporary Amendment of PA/NP - General Education Courses
      1. Resolution
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Announcements
  9. Adjournment