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Senate Meeting - March 24, 2022

The University Senate will convene at 3:30 PM, Thursday, March 24, 2022 remotely via CarmenZoom. If anyone would like to attend, but not speak or participate, or requires ADA accommodations please reach out to Megan Ferguson in the Senate office at Immediately following the conclusion of Senate business Provost Melissa Gilliam will deliver the State of Academic Affairs presentation. The Steering Committee estimates the meeting will take 90 minutes.


  1. Proposal to Approve Secretary's Report #396
    1. Secretary's Report #396
  2. Resolution Supporting the People of Ukraine and their Elected Government
    1. Guy Rub, Faculty Senator
    2. Resolution
  3. Proposal from the Council on Academic Affairs
    1. Maria Coyle, Chair of Academic Affairs
    2. Department of Near Eastern and South Asian Languages and Culture
      1. Proposal    Resolution
    3. Department of Dermatology
      1. Proposal    Resolution
  4. Resolution to Approve the Outside Activities and Conflicts Policy
    1. Jessica Tobias, Ethics Director and Compliance Investigator for the Office of University Compliance and Technology
    2. Loren Wold, Chair, Conflict of Interest Advisory Committee
    3. Policy    Resolution    Feedback Highlights    Presentation
  5. Resolution to Update the University Sustainability Goals
    1. Alex Poling, Vice Chair of Capital Planning, Undergraduate Student Government
    2. Scott Schricker, Chair of the Council on the Physical Environment
    3. Resolution
  6. Proposal from the Senate Rules Committee
    1. Sara Watson, Chair of the Rules Committee
    2. Proposal to Update Rule 3335-3    Resolution
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment