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Senate Meeting - January 26, 2023

The University Senate will convene at 3:30 PM, Thursday January 26, 2023 virtually via CarmenZoom. If anyone would like to attend, but not speak or participate, or requires ADA accommodations please reach out to Megan Ferguson in the Senate office at for the zoom link. The Steering Committee estimates the meeting will take approximately 60 minutes.


  1. Proposal to Approve Secretary's Report #401
    1. Secretary's Report #401
  2. Updates from the Office of the President
  3. Proposal from the Council on Academic Affairs
    1. Rebecca Andridge, Chair, Council on Academic Affairs
    2. Proposal to Add a Professional Practice Faculty Track to University Libraries
    3. Resolution
  4. Proposal to Approve the 2023-2024 Senate Calendar
    1. Enrico Bonello, Chair, Steering Committee
    2. 2023-2024 Calendar
  5. Proposal to Approve the 2023-2024 Senate Calendar
    1. Tanya Menon, Chair, Diversity Committee
      1. Ajit Chaudhari
      2. Peter Carrera
    2. Resolution to Develop an Official Land Acknowledgment
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Announcements
  9. Adjournment