The University Senate will convene at 3:30 PM, Thursday, April 21, 2022 remotely at the Film/Video Theater in the Wexner Center for the Arts. If anyone requires ADA accommodations please reach out to Megan Ferguson in the Senate office at The Steering Committee estimates the meeting will take aproximately 30 minutes.
- Proposal to Approve Secretary's Report #397
- Resolution on HB616
- Ken Lee, Chair of Faculty Council
- Caroline Clark, Faculty Senator
- Resolution
- Proposals from the Council on Academic Affairs
- Maria Coyle, Chair of the Council on Academic Affairs
- Proposal from the College of Social Work to add a Clinical Faculty Track
- Proposal to Establish the Gene Therapy Institute
- Proposal from the Rules Committee
- Sara Watson, Chair of the Senate Rules Committee
- Proposal to update rule 3335-48.2: Committee on Distance Education, Libraries, and Information Technology
- Proposal Resolution
- Old Business
- New Business
- Announcements
- Adjournment