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Faculty Council Meeting | March 6, 2025

The Faculty Council will convene at 3:30 PM, March 6, 2025 via Zoom.


  1. Welcome and Call to Order (3:30-3:35)
  2. Updates from OAA Part I: Workload Policy (3:35-3:55 pm)
    1. Patrick Louchouarn, Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
    2. Focus:  OAA’s new Faculty Workload Guideline
  3. Upcoming Items from the Rules Committee (3:55-4:05 pm)
    1. Susan Gershman, chair of Rules
    2. 3335-7-35(B):  Research Faculty Percentages: Redlined language
  4. Report out from Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility (4:05-4:20 pm)
    1. Michele Basso, chair of CAFR
  5. Discussion of Resolutions (4:20-4:55 pm)
    1. Sara Watson, Faculty Council chair
      1. Big Ten Academic Alliance Joint Faculty Statement (consultation on preliminary draft; non-voting item)
    2. Enrico Bonello, FAES
      1. “Resolution of the Faculty Council to Restore all DEIJ-themed offices at The Ohio State University” (voting item)
  6. New Business from the Floor (4:55-5:00)