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Faculty Council Meeting | January 9, 2025

The Faculty Council will convene at 3:30 PM, Thursday January 9, 2025 via Zoom.


  1. Welcome and Call to Order (3:30-3:35)
    1. Sara Watson, Faculty Council Chair


  2. Update on the SEI Pilot (3:35-4:00)
    1. Susan Cole and Alan Kalish
    2. Pre-Read 1     Pre-Read 2
    3. Q&A from the floor


  3. Proposal to establish the Chase Center (4:00-4:25)
    1. Sue Sutherland, CAA
    2. Pre-Read
    3. Q&A from the floor
    4. Note: This is an informational session, as Faculty Council does not vote on center approvals. The vote to approve the Chase Center will take place in the January Senate meeting, on 1/23.


  4. Faculty Leaders Update (4:25-4:35)
    1. Sara Watson, Faculty Council Chair
    2. Caroline Clark, Senate Steering Committee Chair


  5. Faculty New Business and Open Items from the Floor (4:35-5:00)