The Fiscal Committee and its subcommittees meet weekly throughout the academic year to make recommendations concerning financial matters facing the university. This large and intensive committee reviews all the sources of funding for the university. Its members regularly review the distribution of funds to colleges and other units and assess how the budget model is working. The committee makes recommendations to the chief financial officer, the president, and the executive vice president and provost concerning budgetary concerns.
- Justin KiefferChair, 2024-2025
Member | Source | Term Ends |
Derek Hansford | Faculty Council | 2025 |
Lingying Zhao | Faculty Council | 2025 |
Vidya Raman | Faculty Council | 2026 |
John Buford | Faculty Council | 2026 |
Justin Kieffer | Faculty Council | 2026 |
Mark Foster | Faculty Council | 2026 |
Scott Schricker | Faculty Council | 2027 |
Scott Levi | Faculty Council | 2027 |
Birsel Pirim | Presidential | 2025 |
Steven Mentz | Staff, FC/USAC | 2025 |
Gretchen Gombos | Staff, Presidential | 2026 |
Bobby Srivastava | Staff, Executive Deans Cons. SFO | 2027 |
Clayton Richardson | IPC | 2025 |
Gabriel Guzman Camacho | CGS | 2025 |
Eli Fox | USG | 2026 |
Nathan Snizik | USG | 2026 |
Brionna Bonar | USG | 2026 |
Durshil Doshi | USG | 2026 |
David Horn | Dean of Arts and Sciences | |
Matt Smith | Regional Dean | |
Cathann Kress | Dean | |
Karla Zadnik | Dean | |
Mike Papadakis | CFO Designee, Non-Voting | |
Damon Jaggars | Presidential, Admin, Non-Voting | |
Kris Devine | Presidential, Admin, Non-Voting | |
Brad Harris | Provost Designee, Non-Voting |
Rule 3335-5-48.11 Fiscal Committee
(A) Membership
The fiscal committee shall consist of twenty-six members.
- Nine faculty members.
- Eight faculty, at least one of whom is a department chair, and at least two of whom are members of the senate, selected by the faculty council.
- One faculty appointed by the president.
- Six students. The term of service is two years.
- One graduate student.
- One professional student.
- Four undergraduate students at least two of whom are members of the senate.
- Three staff members. The term of service is three years.
- Two staff members with extensive fiscal and budgetary experience and expertise, one selected by the faculty council in consultation with the university staff advisory committee, and one selected by the council of deans in consultation with the senior fiscal officers.
- One staff member appointed by the president.
- Eight administrators.
- Two central administration officials appointed by the president. These members are non-voting.
- The dean of arts and sciences.
- A regional campus dean, selected by the council of deans.
- Two deans selected by the council of deans.
- The executive vice president and provost, or designee. This member is non-voting.
- The senior vice president and chief financial officer, or designee. This member is non-voting.
(B) Duties and Responsibilities
The committee shall have full access to all fiscal documentation necessary to perform the following functions:
- Review, on a continuing basis, the fiscal policies and resources of the university;
- Advise the president on the alternatives and strategies for the long-term and short-term allocation of university resources consistent with maintaining the missions of the university;
- Analyze resources and budgets from an overall university-wide perspective;
- Analyze resources and budgets in detail for centrally supported vice presidential units;
- Advise the president, in the event of an imminent financial crisis, whether a determination of financial exigency is warranted; and
- Report annually to the faculty council and the senate on the budgetary and fiscal condition of the university.
(C) Organization
- The committee shall annually elect a chair from its faculty membership.
- As a standing committee of the senate, this committee is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code.
(Board approval dates: 5/1/1986, 2/5/1988, 2/4/1993, 11/4/1994, 5/3/1996, 7/12/2002, 6/7/2005, 6/2/2006, 6/22/2012, 6/6/2014, 6/3/2016, 5/31/2019)