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Evaluation of Central Administrators (EOCA)

Each year, the Committee for Evaluation of Central Administrators (EOCA) compiles information about two central administrators through research and interviews. It is an upward evaluation by faculty of key administrators. The evaluation is designed to provide feedback to the president and the executive vice president and provost on the effectiveness and role of both the office and the individual.




MemberSourceTerm Ends
Lyda GarciaFaculty/ Presidential2025
Gary GaoFaculty/ Presidential2025
Karen BeardFaculty/ Presidential2026
James OnateFaculty/ Presidential2026
Woodwossen GebreyesFaculty/ Presidential2026
Stuart LudsinFaculty/ Presidential2027
Carroll Ann TrotmanAdministrator/ Presidential2025
Dana RengaAdministrator/ Presidential2027
Thomas EltonCGS2025

Rule 3335-5-48.17 Committee for Evaluation of Central Administrators

(A) Membership

The committee for evaluation of central administrators shall consist of eight members.

  1. Six tenured faculty members appointed in the spring by the president from a slate nominated by the executive committee of faculty council.
    1. The term of service is three years. Members shall not be reappointed to a second term until they have been off the committee for at least two years, except that a member may be reappointed immediately if that person was appointed to fill a vacant position with a remaining term of less than two years.
    2. A chair will be elected each spring from among the faculty members serving on the committee.
  2. Two administrators, appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the president. The term of service is three years.
(B) Duties and Responsibilities
  1. During spring semester, the executive committee of faculty council, on behalf of the steering committee, shall meet with the president and provost to identify two central administrators for review. All senior central administrators, such as vice provosts and members of the president's council, are eligible to be reviewed.
  2. The review panels shall be responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the central administrator and the office in carrying out the responsibilities of the office. The review will begin no later than the start of autumn semester of the following academic year, and finish no later than the end of December.
  3. The review panel will, after its review and evaluation, present a written report to the president and provost. The review panel will also send a copy of the written report to the person being reviewed and will inform the steering committee that the review process has been completed.
  4. The chair of the committee shall monitor the activities of the review panels and advise the review panels on matters of procedure.
(C) Organization of Review Panels

In the spring preceding the academic year in which the review is to be conducted, the committee shall organize itself into two review panels, each review panel to be organized as follows:

  1. Three faculty members from the committee, one of whom is designated by the president or provost, in consultation with the committee chair, as chair of the review panel.
  2. One administrator from the committee.
  3. One student member appointed by the provost if a vice provost or senior vice provost is under review or by the president if a vice president or senior vice president is being reviewed.
  4. One staff member appointed by the provost if a vice provost or senior vice provost is under review or by the president if a vice president or senior vice president is being reviewed.
  5. One to three additional faculty members, if needed, nominated by the committee chair and appointed by the president or provost after consultation with the committee.

(Board approval dates: 2/7/2003, 6/7/2005, 5/14/2010, 9/9/2011, 6/6/2014)