Committee Members
Member | Source | Term Expires |
Iman Ansari | Presidential | 2025 |
Maria Brunette | Presidential | 2026 |
Jesse Kwiek | Faculty Council | 2027 |
Daniel Roberts | Faculty Council | 2027 |
Judith Zimomra | Faculty Council | 2026 |
Jonathan Van Gray | Faculty Council | 2026 |
Jeff Lakritz | Faculty Council | 2026 |
Rut Bansal | USG | 2024 |
Marie-Therese Aman-Tanon | USG | 2024 |
Sabrina Durso | CGS | 2024 |
Christopher Haritos | IPC | 2024 |
Stacey Copley | Staff - Steering/USAC | 2025 |
Sunny Zong | Staff - Steering/USAC | 2025 |
Scott Potter | SVP Designee, Business & Finance / Designee (Non-Voting) | |
Aaron Moore | SVP, Admin & Planning / Designee (Non-Voting) | |
Cindy Leavitt | Executive Vice President and Provost / Designee (Non-Voting) |
Rule 3335-5-48.15 Council on the Physical Environment
The council on the physical environment shall consist of sixteen members.
- Seven faculty members.
- Five faculty members selected by the faculty council.
- Two faculty members appointed by the president.
- Four students.
- One graduate student.
- One professional student.
- Two undergraduate students, one representing on-campus students and one representing off-campus students.
- Two staff members appointed by the steering committee upon the recommendation of the staff advisory committee. The term of service is three years.
- Three administrators, non-voting.
- The senior vice president for administration and planning or designee.
- The senior vice president for business and finance or designee.
- The executive vice president and provost or designee.
- Take a broad and encompassing perspective on the physical environment of the university as it affects the academic enterprise and quality of life for the university community. Propose policies, review and recommend action regarding proposed major projects, and consult with university administration about matters within its domain.
- Teaching and learning environment: adequate classroom and teaching laboratory space; priorities for new construction to advance the academic enterprise; and priorities for renovation of academic facilities, especially classrooms and teaching laboratories.
- Movement around campus: policies and projects to ease movement around campus by all relevant means, including but not limited to pedestrian, bicycle, motorized traffic, and mass transportation; policies and proposals concerning parking, public safety including institutional security, fire safety, risk reduction, and personal safety.
- The campus and the university district environment: activities undertaken to facilitate campus master planning and to implement the plans adopted; initiatives undertaken to advance the objectives of improving conditions in the university district, and activities of affiliated entities to promote these initiatives.
- Recommend items for senate action, review matters within its purview, hear periodic reports from relevant university organizations and administrative offices, and report annually to the senate.
- The committee shall elect a chairperson from among its voting members. A chairperson shall serve a one-year term, and no more than one additional one-year term if reelected.
- As a standing council of the senate, this committee is also governed by the provisions of rules 3335-5-46 and 3335-5-48 of the Administrative Code.
(Board approval dates: 5/1/1986, 2/4/1994, 11/4/1994, 2/3/1995, 6/2/1995, 5/3/1996, 6/4/1999, 6/7/2005, 6/6/2014, 5/31/2019)